For travelers, this category “About” contains very important articles about information of Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, as well as Borneo artifact antique gallery. You can obtain history, culture, places, attractions, food and relevant information. Ideal info and tool for travelers coming visits to kuching sarawak Borneo.

Kuching Sarawak Borneo abundant of wild flora and fauna. Jungle left untouched and house numerous tribes of the headhunters and jungle man. Thus, this decorate Kuching Sarawak  Borneo its wide tradition and culture.

Travelers visiting Kuching Sarawak Borneo, enjoys exotic and adventure visits to jungle and caves. As well as, visiting out semenggoh orang utan sanctuary. These special creatures or known as jungle human lives in the wild in this reserve park and you can even go as near as 5 meters away if the forest crews allows.

Mulu caves, Niah caves is a must to visit when you come to kuching sarawak. Apart you will get the chance to visit Bako National Parks. You will have the chance to witness the proboscis monkeys and other wild animals.

Jungle trekking is an ideal travelers and a must to be in the itinerary. you will withness abundant wild flora and fauna of Borneo.