This category cater the collections for Traditional tribal masks. One type of mask that is very famous is Hudoq mask. It is a thanksgiving festival of the Dayak ethnic group of Kalimantan, Indonesia.
According to the traditional beliefs of the Bahau, Busang, Modang, Ao’heng, and Penihing people, hudoqs are thirteen crop-destroying pests, including rats, lions, and crows. During this festival the Hudoqs are symbolized by dancers who wear tribal masks. They representing pests and jackets made of areca palm or banana tree bark. The dance is finished when two human hudoqs come out and chase the pest hudoqs.
The dance duration is 1–5 hours. It is arranged from village to village after people dibble the land. They grow dry-field rice paddies in September to October every year. They pray so that their fields will grow abundantly.
When it is not in the season as mentioned above these tribal masks are hang on their villages. They are very beautiful wall decorations. In this modern world, tribal masks like this can be very useful idea for in architecture decorations.
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